Vision 2 – Kick-Off
Lately I wrote an article about strategic product management. For a better understanding of the methods I created a imaginary company with samples for vision, mission etc. Along the way I came up with the idea of trying out the developed method on myself. This is likely to have far-reaching consequences. The next weeks where filled up with preliminary considerations and discussions with friends, relatives, charter companies and yacht yards. As the result, today I start the project “Vision 2”. Project is probably an understatement. Rather, it will probably achieve more program or journey character (in the sense of the PMBOK PMI). The latter at least fits in the word sense. At the kick-off in a quiet little room, the basic elements of the journey were created. They include vision, mission, strategy and SWOT analysis, business model, business case, communication plan, blog site and backlog. Extracts and results thereof will be published on this site. Now it is important to bring them to a stable level in the next few weeks. On the 1st Advent at the latest the block should be public in order to achieve the further milestones.